Over the years, road bikes have gained a certain level of hype, and are a popular favorite. While providing fun and joyful experience they cannot afford to compromise in terms of safety for the users. Rear view mirrors play an important role in helping the riders navigate their way through traffic. Additionally, rear view mirrors have become a fundamental part of the “riding-experience,” whether it’s just a ride around the corner to a full-fledge riding trip with friends, their significance is undeniable. However, to gain the most out of your biking experience it is important to select the best rare view mirror the market has to offer. The following are some of the top contenders that are currently competing for the top position.
The Eye Glass Mirror
As the name suggests, the eye glass mirror is a small rear view mirror that can be attached to your sunglasses. It can be positioned according to the preference of the rider and the adjustments of the view according to the rider’s preference. While the eye glass mirror is comparatively small in size, it does manage to efficiently get the job done. An additional benefit of this mirror is due to its requirements to be attached to a pair of sunglasses or glasses, it is astonishingly lightweight. However, it’s incredibly small size makes it harder for most riders to accurately understand the objects approaching from behind and hence does not contribute to efficient decision making. Additionally, its greatest strength i.e. its size is also its weakness. Its attachable nature makes it vulnerable to flimsiness and it can fall off if the impact is great enough to cause a disturbance. Yet this glass mirror is ideal for short trips and is the product of choice for people who don’t mind a smaller view.
The RearViz Mirror
It is a Velcro strap attached rear view mirror that is worn on one’s wrist. A major benefit of this rear view mirror is that it can rotate 360° and pivots back and forth to provide the ideal adjustment for its user. The concept of this mirror is somewhat similar to mirrors placed on handlebars that reach the farthest end to provide a wider range of view. Similarly, RearViz mirrors are attached to the rider’s arm, the rider’s arm is placed on the handlebar i.e. the farthest part. Hence providing a wide range of view for the user. In most cases, vibrations from riding on a bumpy road will be eliminated as shocks are absorbed by your hands when riding. However, a time period is required to get used to this sort of adjustment.
The Road Bike Mirror
It is a convex glass made a mirror that can be attached to the end of the handle strap. It is non-adjustable once the placement is done and works similar to a handlebar mirror. Additionally, it is of a smaller size, delivers optical quality and is of a lightweight. Its presence does not impact the quality of the user’s ride in any way due to its lightweight structure. What’s more, is it prevents neck strains as the users would have gotten if they used helmet mirrors instead. Road turbulence will, however, influence the quality of the reflection being shown.
Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Bike Mirrors
When on the road, whether as a driver, a rider or a bystander it is of the essence to be aware of your surroundings. For riders, staying alert and frequently looking at their cycling mirrors is a key element in avoiding potentially deadly accidents. Mirrors enable the riders to get a near-360-degree view of their surroundings. Staying updated and sharp helps in making better decisions when on the road as well as improving navigation. While changing lanes, stopping or changing routes altogether, uncertainty can be fatal. Not being certain about the path to select can leave the rider baffled and in an unfordable state for himself and those around him. These circumstances accurately depict the importance of having a cycling mirror. However, purchasing the incorrect or wrong type of cycling mirror is just as – if not more, dire than purchasing none at all.
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In many cases, the first problem is paying little to no attention to the importance of selecting a cycling mirror. Cycling mirrors target different orientations of a singular view, these orientations guide the riders to make a timely decision and avoid fatalities. Hence selecting the best type of cycling mirror requires an investment of time and brain power to avoid mistakes out on the road. Following are the top 5 deadliest mistakes made while purchasing bicycling Mirrors:
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Bicycle Mirrors
Picking One at Random
There are verities of cycling mirrors available in the market. Ranging from Handle bar mirrors, Helmet mirrors, Eyeglass mounted mirrors to on-lens mirrors. The most common mistake made by most buyers is just selecting on at random. While all these mirrors are custom designed to serve the same purpose of improving navigation, how well they are used is also a factor in the equation. Mirrors should be selected based on the most convenient way of use for the users. A person who frequently looks at his handlebar should get a handlebar mirror.
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Not Considering Mirror Safety
Another variable is not considering the safety the mirror itself can provide. Using a cycling mirror improves safety as it allows the rider to better move through traffic. However, in case of an accident, if the mirror were to shatter it can potentially damage the user on Impact. Therefore, mirror safety comes into question in terms of resistance and endurance.
Not Considering Mirror Weight
While not considered a major problem for some, the weight of the mirror causes issues eventually. Especially for helmet and glasses cycling mirrors. The heavy weight of mirrors can potentially cause migraines and headaches in some cases or cause uneasiness in other cases.
Adjustability & Rigidity
Some mirrors are easily adjustable and can be moved according to the requirements of the users. However, riders pay no attention to this important factor and avoidance can lead to a lesser range of view and less accurate assumptions.
Compromising Robustness
The lighter the weight, the better is the cycling mirror. However, being light weight has nothing to do with compromising robustness. A cycling mirror should be strong enough to withstand any bumps and hits. Flimsy mirrors can bend and crack at the stem.